

Muslim and Sikh Canadians have faced racism and discrimination in recent years. A poll in 2009 by Maclean’s revealed that only 28% of Canadians view Islam favourably, and only 30% viewed the Sikh religion favourably. A 2013 Swedish academic study stated that Venezuela was the most racist country in the Americas.

About Xenophobia in brief

Summary XenophobiaXenophobia ) is the fear or hatred of that which is perceived to be foreign or strange. It is an expression of perceived conflict between an ingroup and an outgroup and may manifest in suspicion by the one of the other’s activities. Muslim and Sikh Canadians have faced racism and discrimination in recent years, especially since 2001 and the spillover effect of the United States’ War on Terror. A poll in 2009 by Maclean’s revealed that only 28% of Canadians view Islam favourably, and only 30% viewed the Sikh religion favourably. In Quebec in particular, only 17% of respondents had a favourable view of Islam. According to the UNHCR, by June 2019, there were some 4 million Venezuelan refugees, among whom 1. 3 million were in Colombia. In Venezuela, like other South American countries, economic inequality often breaks along ethnic and racial lines. A 2013 Swedish academic study stated that Venezuela was the most racist country in the Americas, followed by the Dominican Republic. When a Mexican of a darker-skinned tone marries one of a lighter skinned-tone, it is common for them to say that they are’making the race better’. This can be interpreted as a self-attack on their ethnicity. Despite improving economic and social conditions of Indigenous Mexicans, discrimination against indigenous Mexicans continues to this day. Violent attacks against Indigenous Mexicans are moderately common and many times go unpunished. In the view of a network of scores of US civil rights organizations, discrimination permeates all aspects of life and extends to all communities of color.

Members of other ethnic groups, Muslims, Sikhs, Indians, as well as other religious minority groups have perceived discrimination in their dealings with other racial and religious groups. The Pew Research Center suggested that 76% of black and Asian respondents had experienced some form of discrimination at least at least to some time from the time of their birth to at least the age of 50. The U.S. is embedded in the country’s first collective definition, enunciated in its laws and laws, and imbued in its dominant way of life, in its culture and in its way of living. In Brazil, depictions of non-European Brazilians on the programming of most national television networks is scarce and typically relegated for musicianstheir shows. There has been racial tension between the Indo-Guyanese people and the Afro- Guyanese. In Mexico, Mexicans with light skin tones had absolute control over dark skinned Amerindians due to the structure of the Spanish colonial caste system. In Colombia, many migrants from Venezuela crossed the border illegally, indicating they had few opportunities to gain \”access to legal and other rights or basic services and are exposed to exploitation, abuse, manipulation and a wide range of other protection risks, including racism, discrimination and xenophobia\”. Since the start of the migrant crisis, media outlets and state officials warned about the increasing discrimination of migrants in theCountry, especially xenophobia and violence against the migrants.