
UTC+14: 00 is the earliest time zone on Earth. It stretches as far as 30° east of the 180° longitude line and creates a large fold in the International Date Line around the Pacific nation of Kiribati. It was used as a daylight time before 1982 in the parts of very eastern Russia that used Anadyr Time.

About UTC+14:00 in brief

Summary UTC+14:00 UTC+14: 00 is the earliest time zone on Earth. It stretches as far as 30° east of the 180° longitude line and creates a large fold in the International Date Line around the Pacific nation of Kiribati. It is also referred to as the \”latest time zone\” on Earth, as clocks in it always show the ‘latest’ time of all time zones.

It was used as a daylight time before 1982 in the parts of very eastern Russia that used Anadyr Time.