Titans is an American television series created by Akiva Goldsman, Geoff Johns, and Greg Berlanti. Based on the DC Comics team Teen Titans, the series depicts a group of young heroes who join forces in their fight against evil. The first and second seasons were released on DC Universe; a third season has also been announced, which will be released on HBO Max.
About Titans (2018 TV series) in brief
Titans is an American television series created by Akiva Goldsman, Geoff Johns, and Greg Berlanti. Based on the DC Comics team Teen Titans, the series depicts a group of young heroes who join forces in their fight against evil. Featured as members of the eponymous Titans are Dick Grayson, Kory Anders, Rachel Roth, Gar Logan, Jason Todd, Donna Troy, Hank Hall, Dawn Granger, Rose Wilson, and Conner. The series premiered on October 12, 2018. The first and second seasons were released on DC Universe; a third season has also been announced, which will be released on HBO Max. A live-action series based on the Teen Titans entered development in September 2014. Originally intended for TNT, a pilot was ordered in December, but TNT departed from the project in 2016 before filming took place. In April 2017, it was announced that the series was being redeveloped for DC Universe as its first original scripted program. Previous Titans projects had been hampered by the rights to Batman being locked up by Warner Bros. All episodes were initially billed as eleventh episodes, with the eleventh episode being billed as the pilot episode of the series. The pilot was set with filming to occur in Toronto in mid-2015. In May 2015, TNT president Kevin Reilly said that they hoped to have the casting locked down by the start of filming and that the show would be “very true’ to the comics and “groundbreaking’” The series, called Titans and then Blackbirds, was first set to begin shooting in November 2015.
Production was then postponed to October. In January 2016, TNT would no longer be moving forward with the project. In February 2016, Geoff Johnson stated, “We have plans for Titans. It’s a huge piece of DC and we have plans.” In October 2018, Johns said in October 2018 that the project depended on securing to Dick Grayson. He said, ‘You couldn’t do Titans Robin without Dick Grayson… So there was a lot of behind-the-scenes work that went into that’s not new news to us.’ The first season focuses on the official reformation of the Titans as Dick leads a new team composed of Rachel, Gar, and Jason. The Titans’ return, however, leads to the reemergence of feared assassin Deathstroke, whose prior conflict with the original team caused their disbanding. The season also depicts Dick’s efforts to distance himself from his mentor and his Robin persona, while Kory struggles with a bout of amnesia that leaves her unaware of her true identity. In the first season, Rachel comes to Dick for protection from dangerous forces pursuing her, which leads to them meeting and teaming up with Kory and Gar. The team is joined by half-Amazon Donna Troy and crime-fighting duo Dawn Granger and Hank Hall. In the second season, the heroes eventually learn that Rachel is being targeted by her demon father Trigon, who seeks to enslave the world.
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