The Eric Andre Show

Eric Andre Show is an American surreal comedy television series which began airing on May 20, 2012. The show premiered on Adult Swim and is a parody of low-budget public-access talk shows. The series is hosted by comedian Eric Andre and formerly co-hosted by fellow comedian Hannibal Buress and Blannibal. A total of 52 episodes have aired over the course of 5 seasons. The fifth and most recent season premiered on October 25, 2020.

About The Eric Andre Show in brief

Summary The Eric Andre ShowThe Eric Andre Show is an American surreal comedy television series which began airing on May 20, 2012. The show premiered on Adult Swim and is a parody of low-budget public-access talk shows. The series is hosted by comedian Eric Andre and formerly co-hosted by fellow comedian Hannibal Buress and Blannibal. A total of 52 episodes have aired over the course of 5 seasons. The fifth and most recent season premiered on October 25, 2020. The final episode marked the final television appearance of the late Naya Rivera, who was pronounced dead from drowning at the age of 33 on July 8, 2020  on the Adult Swim network. From season two onwards, more actual celebrities, including musicians, actors, or musicians, have appeared on the show, although other guests include fashion designer Lauren Conrad, talk show host Jimmy Kimmel, porn star John Kricusi, and porn star Akira Akira Quits. The last episode of season 5 was the final episode of the series. It was also the last episode to be aired on Cartoon Network and later Adult Swim, and aired on October 26, 2020, on the Cartoon Network network and Cartoon Network International, and on Cartoon League International, on October 27, 20, 20 and 21, 20  respectively. The episodes have been directed by Kitao Sakurai and Andrew Barchilon and Gary Anthony Williams served as the announcer in the first season, being replaced by Tom Kane in the second season and Robert Smith from the third season onwards. Andre has expressed that each season of the show is shot with a unique style in mind, intended to be thematically cohesive while remaining distinct from other seasons.

Season 1 stylistically follows the series pilot which was shot without studio backing on a limited budget, using vintage Ikegami cameras and a darkly lit set built in an abandoned bodega. For all subsequent seasons the show was filmed in High-definition video and featured more modern late-night comedy talk show elements, including Andre’s appearance in a formal gray suit. Andre himself shaved all of his body hair except for his eyebrows, wore inexpensive cologne and gained weight throughout. For season 3, Andre grew out and straightened his hair in imitation of the distinctive hairstyle of comedian Katt Williams and decorated the set with tropical plants, intending to give the season an upbeat feeling to audiences. In stark contrast, Andre wore a tuxedo for season 4 and professed to have avoided bathing or grooming, and lost weight during production, dubbing this season the \”dystopian Eraserhead\” season. This season also featured a new house band. Countering season 4, Andre’s season 5 set included a revamping of the set with more vibrant decorations and a green screen behind the curtain where guests come out. From season 5 to season 6, the show featured a house band and a band called The House Band, who played a number of songs with heavy twists, such as punk band Trash Talk playing while wearing volume-sensitive shock collars.