The Batman is an upcoming American superhero film based on the DC Comics character of the same name. It stars Robert Pattinson as Bruce Wayne Batman, with Zoë Kravitz, Paul Dano, Jeffrey Wright, John Turturro, Peter Sarsgaard, Barry Keoghan, Jayme Lawson, Andy Serkis, and Colin Farrell rounding out the ensemble cast. The Batman is set during Batman’s second year of fighting crime and follows him as he explores Gotham City’s corruption. Two sequels are planned, while a spin-off prequel television series is in development for HBO Max.
About The Batman (film) in brief
The Batman is an upcoming American superhero film based on the DC Comics character of the same name. The film is directed by Matt Reeves, who wrote the screenplay with Peter Craig. It stars Robert Pattinson as Bruce Wayne Batman, with Zoë Kravitz, Paul Dano, Jeffrey Wright, John Turturro, Peter Sarsgaard, Barry Keoghan, Jayme Lawson, Andy Serkis, and Colin Farrell rounding out the ensemble cast. The Batman is set during Batman’s second year of fighting crime and follows him as he explores Gotham City’s corruption and faces the Riddler. Two sequels are planned, while a spin-off prequel television series is in development for HBO Max. In August 2013, Ben Affleck was cast as Batman in the DC Extended Universe, with plans to play the role in at least three films. He made his debut in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, and later appeared in Suicide Squad and Justice League. In October 2014, Warner Bros. revealed plans for a standalone Batman film starring Affleck, and by July 2015, he was in negotiations to direct and co-write the screenplay. In January 2017, Affleck said the film had no script and that he may end up not directing it. He stepped down as writer and director in January 2017 after struggling with the script. Reeves took over directorial and scripting duties the next month, reworking the story to focus on a younger Batman and emphasize the character’s detective aspects more than prior films.
Its release was delayed twice from an initial June 2021 date due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In the following months, Jeremy Irons and Joe Manganiello were confirmed to appear. Jared Leto expressed interest in reprising his role as the Joker from Suicide Squad. In December he said filming was on track to begin in mid-2017 for a release date in 2018. That month, a planned Justice League sequel was delayed to accommodate The Batman. In March, Reeves said he would not meet potential actors until at least July 2017, before Matt Ross, Ridley Scott and Scott Fede Álvarez were considered to replace Affleck. In February 2017, Reeves announced that he would direct and produce The Batman in February 2021. The movie is scheduled to be released in the U.S. on March 4, 2022. It is not known if there will be a sequel or a prequel to The Batman, which is planned for a later date in the fall of 2018. It has not been confirmed if the film will have a sequel to Justice League or a follow-up to Suicide Squad, or even if it will have any connection to the DCEU at all. In July 2013, Geoff Johns implied that the film would explore the death of Robin which was hinted at inBatman v Superman. By this point, Chris Terrio had turned in a rewrite of the script where he later acknowledged that he wanted it to get it shot at it simply became “time to let someone else have shot it”
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