Tales of Monkey Island is a 2009 graphic adventure video game developed by Telltale Games under license from LucasArts. It is the fifth game in the Monkey Island series, released nearly a decade after the previous installment, Escape from Monkey Island. Players assume the role of pirate Guybrush Threepwood, who seeks out a cure for a voodoo pox. It received generally positive reviews, but was criticized for its erratic puzzle design, a weak supporting cast, and the game’s control system.
About Tales of Monkey Island in brief
Tales of Monkey Island is a 2009 graphic adventure video game developed by Telltale Games under license from LucasArts. It is the fifth game in the Monkey Island series, released nearly a decade after the previous installment, Escape from Monkey Island. The game was released in five episodic segments, between July and December 2009. Players assume the role of pirate Guybrush Threepwood, who seeks out a cure for a voodoo pox. Critics praised the game’s story, writing, humor, voice acting and characterization. It was Telltale’s most commercially successful project until Back to the Future: The Game. It received generally positive reviews, but was criticized for its erratic puzzle design, a weak supporting cast in the early chapters, and the game’s control system. The game’s music was composed by Michael Land and the core cast of The Curse of monkey Island reprised their voice roles. The player can combine voodoo ingredients with a cutlass to produce a magical cutlass. The first chapter of the game includes a \”treasure hunt\” mode, where the player directs Guybrush through a maze-like jungle in pursuit of hidden treasure. Found treasures translate into prizes and discounts on the official Telltale website and three participating Monkey Island fansites. In the game, Guybrush pursues an undead pirate called LeChuck, who kidnaps his wife Elaine. Several other Monkey Island games with other characters have been released since Tales of Monkey island.
The players can combine certain items to create new items; for instance, the player can combining a number of voodoo Ingredients with a Cutlass to create a magical Cutlass of Kaflu, a weapon capable of destroying his nemesis, the undead pirate LeChuck. Like its predecessors, the game is designed to prevent the player from meeting a dead-end, such as the death of the player character. Each of thegame’s chapters is an estimated two to four hours in length, depending on the player’s ability to solve the puzzles. It can be played with a PC keyboard and mouse, or the Wii Nunchuk’s analog stick, or with the WASD keys or the arrow keys may instead be used to move Guybrush, rather than point and clicking. The designers discarded the Tri-Island Area setting of the predecessors in favor of a new locale: the Gulf of Melange Area. The gamers must locate maps on the Internet to access this mode, hidden on theofficial Telltale site and threeparticipating Monkey Island fanites. To access the maps, players must locate them on the site and on the fanites’ own websites. The games’ story is set several years after the events of Escape frommonkeyisland.com, and follows Guybrush and Elaine’s love for the love of Elaine Marley voodoo voodoo, voodoo demon, LeChuck and the former governor of the tri-island area. The story is told in five chapters, each of which is part of an ongoing narrative.
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