Revival is an American horror–science fiction comics series created by writer Tim Seeley and artist Mike Norton. The series was published by Image Comics as 47 monthly issues released between July 2012 and February 2017. A film adaptation was announced in early 2017, to be co-written by seeley and produced by Shatterglass Films. The creators always knew how the central mystery would conclude, but the exact length of the series was determined by sales.
About Revival (comics) in brief
Revival is an American horror–science fiction comics series created by writer Tim Seeley and artist Mike Norton. The series was published by Image Comics as 47 monthly issues released between July 2012 and February 2017. Set in central Wisconsin, Revival follows the aftermath of the dead coming back to life. The story is centered on detective Dana Cypress and her revived sister Em as it touches on religious, moral and social themes. Critics praised the series for being distinct from other zombie comics, but later faulted the story’s pace and sprawling cast. A film adaptation was announced in early 2017, to be co-written by seeley and produced by Shatterglass Films. Diamond Select Toys has released a minimate toy of Em Cypress. The creators always knew how the central mystery would conclude, but the exact length of the series was determined by sales. They were approached by major networks to develop Revival into a television series in late 2012, but none were based on the series. It was nominated for three Harvey Awards in 2013, and Frison was nominated in the Best Cover Artist category in 2013 and 2015 in part because of her work on theSeries. The revivers are immortal and heal from all wounds. Some of them begin to take physical and non-physical risks because they do not fear physical or emotional harm to themselves or others. The Centers for Disease Control quarantines the area to study the phenomenon and search for a cause. A partnership between the local sheriff’s office and the CDC creates a task force to process any crime that involves one of the twenty-three known “revivers”.
It is led by detective Dana cypress and CDC doctor Ibrahim Ramin. Dana learns her college-aged sister, Em, is also a reviver. Em was murdered, but cannot remember the events leading to her death. Meanwhile, various townspeople begin to see glowing ghost-like figures in the surrounding woods. The CDC uses a former dairy farm to detain revivers who have been reported as dangerous. When its existence is discovered, it causes a rift between the CDC and sheriff’s office generally, and between Dana and Ramin specifically. Some people outside the quarantine area believe the government is covering up a religious miracle. Others believe they can absorb the revivers’ immortality by ingesting their flesh, leading to an active smuggling business that moves body parts of revivers and other recently dead individuals. As a precaution, they confiscate and slaughter all the local livestock. General Louise Cale is installed as a temporary governor and uses her to move all revivers to the dairy farm facility. During the response to the bombing, Em’s reviver status is discovered and she is confined to the farm. As tensions mount between the military and the people of Wausau, a riot is started at a picket line. Because they are unable to leave the dairy, they go into hiding and escape the farm and attack the military. As they leave the farm, they start a fight that causes them to picket the military line.
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