Pilot (Parks and Recreation)

“Pilot” is the pilot episode of the American comedy television series Parks and Recreation. It originally aired on NBC in the United States on April 9, 2009. The episode was written by series co-creators Michael Schur and Greg Daniels, and directed by Daniels. It introduces the protagonist Leslie Knope, played by Amy Poehler. The pilot received generally mixed reviews, although Poehler herself was widely praised by most television critics.

About Pilot (Parks and Recreation) in brief

Summary Pilot (Parks and Recreation)“Pilot” is the pilot episode of the American comedy television series Parks and Recreation. It originally aired on NBC in the United States on April 9, 2009. The episode was written by series co-creators Michael Schur and Greg Daniels, and directed by Daniels. It introduces the protagonist Leslie Knope, played by Amy Poehler, as well as the other regular characters played by cast members Rashida Jones, Paul Schneider, Aziz Ansari, Aubrey Plaza and Nick Offerman. The pilot received generally mixed reviews, although Poehler herself was widely praised by most television critics. It received lower ratings than the two Office episodes it aired between, but critics pointed out it achieved an identical rating to the NBC show 30 Rock, which was broadcast the same night. It also featured a number of cultural references to such people as Bob Knight, Larry Bird and Laura Linney, aswell as female political figures to whom Leslie compares herself, such as Hillary Clinton, Sarah Palin, and Nancy Pelosi. It was released on DVD in the U.S. on September 8, 2009, with the rest of the first season of the series on September 7, 2009 and September 14, 2009 in the UK and September 15, 2010 in the Australia and New Zealand and September 16, 2011 in the Philippines and South Africa and September 17, 2011, in Australia and South Korea. The DVD release includes the entire first season, plus two bonus episodes.

The second episode, “Pilot 2,” is expected to be released in the fall of 2011. It will be the first episode of a two-part mini-series about the creation of a park in the fictional town of Pawnee, Indiana, called “Parks and Recreation Park” The episode is directed by Greg Daniels and co-written by Schur, who is also the co-creator of the NBC comedy series “The Office” The pilot was filmed in the same mockumentary style as The Office, theNBC comedy series also directed by Greg Daniels and written by Michael Schur. The series is currently in its second season, which is set in the town of Pawnee and Parks and Recreation Department of Indiana in the fictional town of Beverly Hills, California. It is the first time the series has been rebooted since the second season of The Office aired in 2008. The show is set to return to NBC for a second season in 2012. The first episode was released in October 2008, and the second episode aired in March 2010. The third episode is scheduled to air in the summer of 2012, but has yet to be filmed. The fourth episode is slated to be aired in the spring of 2013. The fifth and final episode will air in June 2013, and it will be filmed in October 2013, with an additional episode in the middle of the third season. The sixth episode will be aired on November 14, 2013, at 9 p.m. ET.