Papillon (2017 film)

Papillon is a 2017 biographical drama film directed by Michael Noer. It tells the story of French convict Henri Charrière, nicknamed Papillon. The film debuted on August 24, 2018 to USD 1.44 million in its opening weekend, finishing 16th in the box office. To date, it has sold over 13 million copies in 30 languages.

About Papillon (2017 film) in brief

Summary Papillon (2017 film)Papillon is a 2017 biographical drama film directed by Michael Noer. It tells the story of French convict Henri Charrière, nicknamed Papillon, who was imprisoned in 1933 in the notorious Devil’s Island penal colony. He escaped in 1941 with the help of another convict, counterfeiter Louis Dega. Papillon premiered on September 9, 2017, in the Special Presentations section at the 2017 Toronto International Film Festival. The film debuted on August 24, 2018 to USD 1.44 million in its opening weekend, finishing 16th in the box office.

As of September 13, 2018, Papillon had grossed USD 2,335,000 in the United States and Canada and 2,180,684 in other territories for a total of USD 4,580,580 worldwide. It was shot in different locations around Europe including in Montenegro, Malta, Belgrade, Serbia, and significantly, in Serbia, Serbia and Montenegro. The movie postscript reads: \”Over 80,000 prisoners were condemned to the penal colony in French Guiana, most of whom never returned to France. To date, it has sold over 13 million copies in 30 languages.