One on One is an American sitcom that aired on UPN from September 3, 2001, to May 16, 2006. The series stars Flex Alexander as a single sportscaster, who becomes a full-time father. A spin-off series Cuts follows Flex’s little brother Kevin Barnes running the local barbershopday spa with a spoiled brat named Tiffany Sherwood.
About One on One (TV series) in brief
One on One is an American sitcom that aired on UPN from September 3, 2001, to May 16, 2006. The series stars Flex Alexander as a single sportscaster, who becomes a full-time father when his ex-wife decides to accept a job out of the country and his teenage daughter Breanna moves in with him. The show featured guest appearances from numerous celebrities and athletes, including Lil’ Zane, Chris Brown, Brave from RichGirl, TLC, Lil’ Romeo, Eve, Lloyd, Floetry, Angie Stone, Mario, Omarion, Brandy, Solange Knowles, Nina Sky, Marques Houston, Smokey Robinson, Kim Fields, Avant, Jennifer Freeman, Bobby V, Claudia Jordan, Ruben Studdard, and Lisa Leslie.
A spin-off series Cuts follows Flex’s little brother Kevin Barnes running the local barbershopday spa with a spoiled brat named Tiffany Sherwood after her father Jack Sherwood purchased the shop. Cuts premiered as a mid-season replacement during the 2004–2005 television season. The show lasted for only two seasons and was also canceled when UPN and The WB merged to form The CW. The cancellation was blamed on Dawn Ostroff’s decision on completely changing the show for season 5 in order to cater to a different audience rather than the audience the show had built over the years.
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