Number 16 (spider)

Number 16 was a wild female trapdoor spider that lived in North Bungulla Reserve near Tammin, Western Australia. She died in 2016, at an estimated age of 43 years, and is the longest-lived spider recorded to date. Number 16 did not die of old age, but was most likely killed by a parasitic wasp sting.

About Number 16 (spider) in brief

Summary Number 16 (spider)Number 16 was a wild female trapdoor spider that lived in North Bungulla Reserve near Tammin, Western Australia. She died in 2016, at an estimated age of 43 years, and is the longest-lived spider recorded to date. Number 16 did not die of old age, but was most likely killed by a parasitic wasp sting.

The spider’s death received widespread publicity in late April 2018, with the publication of a research article in the journal Pacific Conservation Biology.