Naraka Chaturdashi is the second day of the five-day-long festival of DeepavaliDiwali. The Hindu literature narrates that the asura Narakasura was killed on this day by Krishna, Satyabhama and Kali. The day is celebrated by early morning religious rituals and festivities follow on.
About Naraka Chaturdashi in brief
Naraka Chaturdashi is the second day of the five-day-long festival of DeepavaliDiwali. The Hindu literature narrates that the asura Narakasura was killed on this day by Krishna, Satyabhama and Kali. The day is celebrated by early morning religious rituals and festivities follow on. The festival is also called as \”Kali Chaudas\”, where Kali means dark and Chaud as means fourteenth, this is celebrated on the 14th day of dark half of Aaso.
In some parts of south India this day is also known as Deepvali Bhogi, which is the next day which is no moon night. People get up earlier and celebrate with oil baths, poojas, firecrackers and Firecracker festivals. In Goa, paper-made effigies of Narak asura, filled with grass and firecracker symbolising evil, are made.
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