A Manic Pixie Dream Girl is a stock character type in films. MPDGs are usually static characters who have eccentric personality quirks and are unabashedly girlish. The phrase has become a pejorative way to deride unique women in fiction and reality.
About Manic Pixie Dream Girl in brief
A Manic Pixie Dream Girl is a stock character type in films. MPDGs are usually static characters who have eccentric personality quirks and are unabashedly girlish. They invariably serve as the romantic interest for a male protagonist. The term has been compared to another stock character, the Magical Negro, a Black character who seems to exist only to provide spiritual or mystical help to the white savior protagonist. A possible male version of this trope was found in Augustus Waters from the film version of The Fault in Our Stars.
The trope has also been pointed out in sitcoms such as Parks and Recreation and 30 Rock. The difference is that the latter is not artificial, but a human robot, according to a 2012 Grantland article, while the former is not a robot but a stubbornness and stubbornness while appreciating her quirks and appreciating the human side of her personality. The phrase has become a pejorative way to deride unique women in fiction and reality. It has been used to attack Diane Keaton in Annie Hall and Zooey Deschanel, the actual person.
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This page is based on the article Manic Pixie Dream Girl published in Wikipedia (as of Nov. 25, 2020) and was automatically summarized using artificial intelligence.