Leck mich im Arsch: A Musical Oddity
‘Leck mich im Arsch’ is a canon in B-flat major composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, K. 231, with lyrics in German. It was one of six canons probably written in Vienna in 1782 and sung by six voices as a three-part round. The title translates to ‘Lick me in the arse!’ or ‘Kiss my ass!’, and the text is thought to be a party piece for Mozart’s friends.
Origins of a Controversial Canon
Imagine a world where music isn’t just about beauty and harmony but also about playful rebellion. That’s what we have with ‘Leck mich im Arsch,’ a piece that challenges our perceptions of classical music. Mozart, the maestro himself, composed this canon as part of his repertoire, likely for some intimate gatherings among friends. Can you imagine the laughter and camaraderie that must have surrounded such a piece?
Publication and Transformation
After Mozart’s untimely death in 1791, his widow Constanze took it upon herself to send these manuscripts to publishers Breitkopf & Härtel. But here’s the twist: they decided to change the title and lyrics to make them more ‘decent.’ It’s like when you try to clean up a messy room but end up making it look like someone else did all the work. The original texts, with their crude humor, were lost for nearly two centuries.
The Rediscovery of Original Texts
Fast forward to 1991, and imagine the shock when a score containing the original texts was discovered. These phrases like ‘g’schwindi’ (meaning ‘quickly’) brought back the raw energy and humor that Mozart intended. It’s as if we found a hidden treasure map leading us to the true essence of this piece.
References and Allusions
The text of ‘Leck mich im Arsch’ is an allusion to Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s drama Götz von Berlichingen, with slight errors about the source. It’s like Mozart was playing a game of telephone, passing down a message that got slightly distorted along the way. This adds another layer of intrigue to the piece, making it not just music but also a historical artifact.
‘Leck mich im Arsch’ is more than just a quirky piece of music; it’s a testament to Mozart’s wit and his ability to push boundaries. It reminds us that even in the most refined art, there can be a touch of the unexpected and the rebellious.
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This page is based on the article Leck mich im Arsch published in Wikipedia (retrieved on November 27, 2024) and was automatically summarized using artificial intelligence.