Las Vegas is an American comedy-drama television series that was broadcast by NBC from September 22, 2003, to February 15, 2008. The show focused on a team of people working at the fictional Montecito Resort and Casino dealing with issues that arise within the working environment. The series originally centered on Ed Deline, a strict ex-CIA officer who went from being head of security to becoming president of operations. Following his departure from the series in season five, former Marine Danny McCoy, Ed’s former protégé, became the MonteCito’s new president of Operations.
About Las Vegas (TV series) in brief
Las Vegas is an American comedy-drama television series that was broadcast by NBC from September 22, 2003, to February 15, 2008. The show focused on a team of people working at the fictional Montecito Resort and Casino dealing with issues that arise within the working environment. The series originally centered on Ed Deline, a strict ex-CIA officer who went from being head of security to becoming president of operations. Following his departure from the series in season five, former Marine Danny McCoy, Ed’s former protégé, became the MonteCito’s new president of Operations. TheSeries abruptly ended with a cliffhanger because NBC cancelled Las Vegas in the offseason following season five. In July 2013, after a long run of weekday back-to-back episodes on TNT, Las Vegas reruns were moved to a graveyard slot of 4 am, then removed totally from TNT’s lineup. In May 2020, E! began airing reruns of the show, making a return of theseries in syndication for the first time since TNT removed it from its lineup in 2013. In September 2007, the show entered syndication in the United States in September 2007; it has since been reran by USA Network and E! The series’ pilot episode is told largely from Ed’s perspective and features Danny doing voice-over narration, although he remained the show’s main character throughout its five-year run. Ed is portrayed as a loving husband and father, as well as a father figure to his employees, especially Danny. Nevertheless, he is a tough man and does not hesitate to use violence to get what he wants.
Ed makes not being called Mr. Ed, Edward or Eddie. James Caan’s name is the name on a fake passport he uses when he travels to Morocco to relocate a business. The Godfather is a reference to an earlier movie in which Ed travels to a country where he is wanted by police for killing Mary Connell’s father, after becoming wanted for killing the police officer who killed her. Ed’s daughter, Delinda, has had an on-and-off relationship with Ed since childhood and is pregnant with their first child. Ed and Mary have known each other since childhood, and have had a confusing on- and- off relationship. Danny proposes to Mary, but Mary calls off the engagement because she feels that Danny had a lot of things to sort out for himself. Danny is a former U.S. Marine, with guerrilla training and counterintelligence training. He is awarded the Silver Star after he calls in an air strike over his unit and himself when they are ambushed and overrun. Toward the end of season two, his father Larry McCoy dies in an accident and Danny inherits his father’s construction company, McCoy Construction, and house. Danny sells his dad’s house and uses the money to pay for a condo. He eventually ends up living with his girlfriend, Del Linda, who is pregnant and has a first child with him. After season three, Ed is briefly in retirement until the Maloofs try to hire him for their potential casino in Macauau.
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