The fourth installment in the Home Alone franchise, the film stars Mike Weinberg, French Stewart, Missi Pyle, Jason Beghe, Erick Avari, Barbara Babcock, Joanna Going, and Clare Carey. The plot revolves around Kevin McCallister trying to defend his future stepmother’s house from his old nemesis Marv and his sidekickwife Vera. It was the last film that Rod Daniel directed before his subsequent retirement. This is the first film in the franchise to not receive a theatrical release.
About Home Alone 4: Taking Back the House in brief
The fourth installment in the Home Alone franchise, the film stars Mike Weinberg, French Stewart, Missi Pyle, Jason Beghe, Erick Avari, Barbara Babcock, Joanna Going, and Clare Carey. The plot revolves around Kevin McCallister trying to defend his future stepmother’s house from his old nemesis Marv and his sidekickwife Vera. It was the last film that Rod Daniel directed before his subsequent retirement. This is the first film in the franchise to not receive a theatrical release. It first aired on ABC on November 3, 2002, followed by a DVD release on September 2, 2003. The film brings back several of the main characters from the first two films, including Kevin McCAllister, but with all of the roles played by different actors.
The movie was directed by Rod Daniel, who also directed Home Alone 3 and Home Alone 2: The Second Helping, which were released the same year. It is also the last Home Alone film to be released on Blu-ray and DVD, and the first in the series to not be released in the U.S. as a direct-to-video release. The final episode of the series is released on December 14, 2013. The last episode of Home Alone 4: Taking Back the House will be released the following day. The first episode of this series will be aired on December 15, 2013, at 9 p.m. ET on ABC. The second episode will be shown on December 16, 2013 at 9 a.m., ET on CBS.
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