Fargo (film)

Fargo is a 1996 dark comedy crime drama film written, produced and directed by Joel and Ethan Coen. Frances McDormand stars as Marge Gunderson, a pregnant Minnesota police chief investigating roadside homicides. Fargo received seven Academy Awards nominations, including Best Picture. A Coen-produced FX television series of the same name, inspired by Fargo and taking place in the same fictional universe, premiered in 2014 and received critical acclaim.

About Fargo (film) in brief

Summary Fargo (film)Fargo is a 1996 dark comedy crime drama film written, produced and directed by Joel and Ethan Coen. Frances McDormand stars as Marge Gunderson, a pregnant Minnesota police chief investigating roadside homicides. A Coen-produced FX television series of the same name, inspired by Fargo and taking place in the same fictional universe, premiered in 2014 and received critical acclaim. Fargo premiered at the 1996 Cannes Film Festival, where Joel Coen won the Prix de la mise en scène and the film was nominated for the Palme d’Or. Fargo received seven Academy Awards nominations, including Best Picture. The film was selected in 2006 for preservation in the National Film Registry of the United States by the Library of Congress as \”culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant\” — one of only six films so designated in its first year of eligibility. In 1998, the American Film Institute named it one of the 100 greatest American films in history. It was an international co-production between the U.S. and the United Kingdom and was filmed during the end of 1995. The movie was a critical and commercial success, and Fargo was a box office success as well as a box-office success. The Coens won the Best Original Screenplay Oscar for their screenplay for the film, which they also won for Best Picture and Best Director for the second film in the series, The Usual Suspects. It is based on the true story of Jerry Lundegaard, a car salesman who hires two criminals to kidnap his wife in order to extort a hefty ransom from his wealthy father-in-law.

The kidnappers kidnap Jean and transport her to a remote cabin in Moose Lake, North Dakota, where they kill a state trooper and two passers-by who witnessed the scene. The following morning, pregnant Marge discovers the dead trooper was ticketing a car with dealer plates and that two men driving a dealership vehicle checked into the nearby Blue Ox Motel with two call girls and placed a call to Proudfoot. While in Minneapolis, Marge reconnects with Mike Yanagita, a high school classmate, who awkwardly tries to romance Marge before breaking down, saying that his wife has died. Jerry promises them a new Oldsmobile and half of the USD 80,000 ransom he intends toextort from his father- in-law Wade Gustafson, who owns the dealership. Jerry tells Wade the kidnappers have demanded USD 1 million and will deal only through him. In light of the three murders, Carl demands Jerry hand over all of the ransom he believes is the entire ransom. Carl then orders Jerry to deliver the ransom immediately, but Wade insists on bringing it himself. Marge drives to Moose Lake after a local bartender reports having heard a brag about someone killing someone. As she waits, she sees Jerry drive away, so she calls the local bartender to double-check his inventory. Jerry says no cars are missing and hurriedly exits his office after saying he willdouble-check.