“Episode 14” is the seventh episode of the second season of the American mystery television series Twin Peaks. The episode was written by series co-creator Mark Frost and directed by David Lynch. It features series regulars Kyle MacLachlan, Michael Ontkean, Ray Wise and Richard Beymer; and guest stars Frank Silva as Killer BOB, Hank Worden as The Waiter, Julee Cruise as Singer, and David Lynch as Gordon Cole.
About Episode 14 (Twin Peaks) in brief
“Episode 14” is the seventh episode of the second season of the American mystery television series Twin Peaks. The episode was written by series co-creator Mark Frost and directed by David Lynch. It features series regulars Kyle MacLachlan, Michael Ontkean, Ray Wise and Richard Beymer; and guest stars Frank Silva as Killer BOB, Hank Worden as The Waiter, Julee Cruise as Singer, and David Lynch as Gordon Cole. It was first broadcast on November 10, 1990, on the American Broadcasting Company and was watched by an audience of 17. 2 million households in the United States. Academic readings of the entry have highlighted the theme of duality and the cinematography in the revelation scene. In this episode, during the ongoing investigation into Laura’s death, FBI special agent Dale Cooper and Sheriff Truman continue to search for her killer, the demonic BOB. BOB’s real host, Leland Palmer, murders Madeline Ferguson. Bobby Briggs confronts his father over his ownership of the brothel. He asks him if he and Laura Palmer had a sexual relationship, and if he loved her, he replies: ‘I loved her’ Later, Shelly arrives at the Double R diner and tearfully tells Norma Jennings she has quit the diner to care for Leo full-time for Leo. At the diner, Norma accidentally shatters her milkshake with her glass, believing she is an eighteen-year-old high school student. The Giant warns Cooper that ‘it is happening again,\’ while BOB warns Cooper, ‘it’s time to get out of Twin Peaks’ The Giant also warns Cooper ‘I am a lonely soul’, and Cooper translates, ‘I’m a lonely person.’ The Giant then disappears.
In the end, BOB is revealed to be possessed by a demonic entity called MIKE, who turns away all guests at The Great Northern Hotel in Twin Peaks, Washington. The final scene of the episode sees Cooper and Truman searching for BOB in the lobby of the hotel, where MIKE is holding a group of sailors who are bouncing rubber balls in the hotel lobby. It is also the last episode to feature the character of Maddy Ferguson, Laura’s cousin, who has arrived from Missoula, Montana, and helps Laura’s friends Donna Hayward and James Hurley investigate the killing of her friend Ronette Pulaski. The finale of the series concludes with the conclusion of the investigation into the murder of Laura Palmer and the attempted murder of Ronette’s father, Ed Hurley. The series continues with the final episode of season two, “The Return”, which airs on September 21, 1991. The last episode of Twin Peak’s second season, “Twin Peaks: The Return,” airs on October 31, 1991, on PBS. The second episode of series two, Twin Peaks: The Third Season, airs on November 8, 1990. The third episode, “The Fourth Season,” premieres on November 9, 1990 at 9 p.m.
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