Edna Krabappel

Edna Krabappel-Flanders is a fictional character from the animated American sitcom The Simpsons. She was voiced by Marcia Wallace from 1990 until her death in October 2013. Edna was a 4th grade teacher, who taught Bart Simpson’s class at Springfield Elementary School. She is a surly, grumpy and jaded caricature of the American public school system.

About Edna Krabappel in brief

Summary Edna KrabappelEdna Krabappel-Flanders is a fictional character from the animated American sitcom The Simpsons. She was voiced by Marcia Wallace from 1990 until her death in October 2013. Edna was a 4th grade teacher, who taught Bart Simpson’s class at Springfield Elementary School. She is a surly, grumpy and jaded caricature of the American public school system. In the twenty-third season, she married Ned Flanders, the widower of Maude Flanders and helped raise Rod and Todd Flanders. Following the actress’s death, the show’s producers announced their intention to retire the character. In early episodes, she is shown as very sexually aggressive and promiscuous. She also tries to pick up Aerosmith drummer Joey Kramer and Homer Simpson, even after learning he is married and is Bart’s father. A recurring theme is Edna’s desire for a romantic partner. The episode The Man Who Grew Too Much was the first episode to give Edna a role as a secret lover, and also to expand her character and personality.

She appears to be desired by many men, as seen in Sideshow Bob’s outrage at his romantic date with her. She has a relationship with the school principal, Seymour Skinner, which is central to the episode ‘Grade School Confidential’ She is said to have come to Springfield to begin teaching in ‘The Seemingly Never-Ending Story’ However, in a case of retconning, she can be seen in ‘Springfield Up’ as a student running through the background at Springfield High School while a young Chief Wiggum is filmed carrying out his duties as a hall monitor. In ‘The Ned-Liest Catch’ she is suspended from teaching for slapping Bart and is placed in the Teacher Holding Facility. When Bart attempts to free her, she falls off a ladder but is saved by Ned Flander. She later decides to open a muffin store.