DuckTales is an American animated television series, developed by Matt Youngberg and Francisco Angones, and produced by Disney Television Animation. The series is a reboot of the original 1987 series of the same name, which focused on the lives of Scrooge McDuck and his family as they engaged in a variety of adventures around the world. The reboot itself focuses on newer elements and deeper character stories, including a greater involvement of Donald Duck. The show premiered on August 12, 2017, with a 44-minute long pilot episode on Disney XD, before the first season was green-lit for broadcast from September 23 that year.
About DuckTales (2017 TV series) in brief
DuckTales is an American animated television series, developed by Matt Youngberg and Francisco Angones, and produced by Disney Television Animation. The series is a reboot of the original 1987 series of the same name, which focused on the lives of Scrooge McDuck and his family as they engaged in a variety of adventures around the world. The reboot itself focuses on newer elements and deeper character stories, including a greater involvement of Donald Duck. The show premiered on August 12, 2017, with a 44-minute long pilot episode on Disney XD, before the first season was green-lit for broadcast from September 23 that year. On December 2, 2020, it was announced that the third season would be the last season of the series, with the show concluding in 2021. In June, cast members, including Tony Anselmo reprising his role as Donald Duck, were announced, during the 2017 San Diego Comic-Con, Disney announced that Dale Duck would also make an appearance in the TV series. At the 2019 Comic- Con, several characters were revealed to appear in the show’s third season; Chip ‘n Dale: Rescue Rangers; Kit Cloudkicker and Molly Cunningham from Rhinoceros; and Butterbear from Wuzzy and The Wuzzly Bear.
The art style of the show is not just influenced by Carl Barks’ original comics, but also by the art of Uncle Carl’s Barks from the original Uncle Barks comics. In season one, Dewey and Webby set out to find the truth about the boys’ mother and Donald’s twin sister, Della Duck, who escaped from the Moon and adjusts to her newfound motherhood, unaware that the Moonlanders are planning to invade Earth. In season three, the Ducks discover the journal of legendary explorer Isabella Finch, detailing several lost treasures and artifacts, and begin a globetrotting expedition to find them all. However, the criminal organization F. O. W. L. plots to eliminate the Ducks and obtain the treasures first. The new voice cast for the series was revealed on December 16, 2016 in a video where they sing an a cappella version of theOriginal theme song in promotion of the news.
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