Don Pasquale is an opera buffa, or comic opera, in three acts by Gaetano Donizetti with an Italian libretto completed largely by Giovanni Ruffini as well as the composer. The opera was first performed on 3 January 1843 by the Théâtre-Italien at the Salle Ventadour in Paris with great success. It has been described as the most celebrated opera of the 20th century.
About Don Pasquale in brief
Don Pasquale is an opera buffa, or comic opera, in three acts by Gaetano Donizetti with an Italian libretto completed largely by Giovanni Ruffini as well as the composer. The opera was first performed on 3 January 1843 by the Théâtre-Italien at the Salle Ventadour in Paris with great success. It is generally regarded as being the high point of the 19th century operabuffa tradition and, in fact, marking its ending. In the tradition of opera buff a, the opera makes reference to the stock characters of the commedia dell’arte. Pasquino is recognizable as the blustery Pantalone, Ernesto as the lovesick Pierrot, Malatesta as the scheming Scapino, and Norina as a wily Columbina. The false Notary echoes a long line of false officials as operatic devices. It was recognized at the time as one of the most popular Italian operas of the time, being one of three comic operas being most popular in Italy at the same time as the Gershwin and Travolta operas. It remains considered one of his most popular operas to this day, and is still considered as such as such to this day. The author appears as ‘M. A.’ on the published libretti, but Ruffini refused to allow his name to be put on the score, which resulted in confusion over the identity of the librettist for more than half a century, but as Herbert Weinstock establishes, it was largely Ruffini’s work.
In a letter to his mother, Ruffini stated that so much of the refinement of the work had been done by the composer that he felt that his freedom of action having been paralyzed by the maestro, I don’t, so to say, recognize it as mine. The composer had already written a new piece which he judged to be the final rehearsal, which he added for the third act. As for fears for the composer’s success, the composer had none: ‘Have no fear for me. My will be a success’ At its premiere its premiere Don Pasquales was performed by four singers of the day and was an immediate success at the ThéâTre-It Alien. It has been described as the most celebrated opera of the 20th century and is considered to be a masterpiece of Italian music. The work was written for the tenor, Com’ès, who was already written for tenor,. Com’il, which was designed for the 10th act of the opera.
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