Corpse Bride is a 2005 stop-motion animated musical fantasy film directed by Mike Johnson and Tim Burton. Johnny Depp leads the cast as the voice of Victor, while Helena Bonham Carter voices Emily, the titular bride. It was a critical and commercial success and was nominated for the 78th Academy Awards for Best Animated Feature, but lost to Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit.
About Corpse Bride in brief
Corpse Bride is a 2005 stop-motion animated musical fantasy film directed by Mike Johnson and Tim Burton. Johnny Depp leads the cast as the voice of Victor, while Helena Bonham Carter voices Emily, the titular bride. The film was a critical and commercial success and was nominated for the 78th Academy Awards for Best Animated Feature, but lost to Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit. It was shot with Canon EOS-1D Mark II digital SLRs, rather than the 35mm film cameras used for Burton’s previous stop- motion film The Nightmare Before Christmas. It is based on a 19th-century Russian-Jewish folktale, which Joe Ranft introduced to Burton while they were finishing The Nightmare before Christmas. The plot is set in a fictional Victorian era village in England. Victor Van Dort, the son of nouveau riche fish merchants, and Victoria Everglot, the neglected daughter of impoverished aristocrats, prepare for their arranged marriage, which will simultaneously raise the social class of Victor’s parents and restore the wealth of Victoria’s family. Victor learns that Emily was murdered years ago by an unnamed perpetrator, on the night of her elopement, and he stole the family jewels she had brought. Victor tricks Emily into returning them to the Land of the Living by claiming he wants her to meet his parents. He successfully reunites with Victoria and confesses his wish to marry her as soon as possible. Victoria follows everyone to Victor and Emily’s wedding as Victor completes his vows and prepares to drink the poison, only for Emily to stop him when she realizes she is denying Victoria her chance to live happily with him.
The dead swiftly prepare for the ceremony and head upstairs, where the town erupts into a temporary panic upon their arrival until everyone recognizes their departed loved ones, and joyously reunite. After reconciling with Emily, Victor learns of Victoria’s impending marriage to Lord Barkis Bittern, who appeared at the wedding rehearsal. Barkis reveals his own poor financial standing and his intentions to marry Victoria only for her supposed wealth, leading her to reject him. Just as Emily reunites Victor and Victoria, Barkis arrives to kidnap Victoria and reveals he was also her previous fiancé. Victor duels Barkis to protect Victoria, and Emily intervenes to save Victor’s life, causing him to take the poison to take him to die and allowing the dead – who cannot interfere in the affairs of the living – to take revenge against him for his crimes. As she steps into the moonlight, she fades away into hundreds of butterflies and flies into the sky, finding peace, as Victor andVictoria embrace and embrace and watch the sky. The movie was dedicated to executive producer Joe Ranfts, who died in a car crash during production along with Pixar’s Cars. This is also the first stop- Motion feature from Burton that was distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures. It was also the third stop-Motion feature film produced by Burton and the first directed by him.
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