All Souls is an American paranormal hospital drama television series created by Stuart Gillard and Stephen Tolkin. It originally aired for one season on UPN from April 17, 2001, to August 31, 2001. The series follows the medical staff of the haunted teaching hospital All Souls. All Souls had low viewership, and was placed on hiatus following the broadcast of the first two episodes.
About All Souls (TV series) in brief
All Souls is an American paranormal hospital drama television series created by Stuart Gillard and Stephen Tolkin. It originally aired for one season on UPN from April 17, 2001, to August 31, 2001. The series follows the medical staff of the haunted teaching hospital All Souls. All Souls had low viewership, and was placed on hiatus following the broadcast of the first two episodes and canceled after the season was broadcast. Critics had mixed reviews for the show’s content and style when compared to other horror and science-fiction television series, specifically The X-Files and the work of American writer Stephen King. The main narrative includes “hints of deeper, good-versus-evil contests”. In the pilot episode, a seduction scene with a doctor and a young woman ends when she is revealed to be a corpse, and several women die after being admitted for treatment. The hauntings at All Souls started during the Civil War, when a Dr. Abramson conducted experiments on his patients following the death of his three sons in combat. The facility is composed of “dungeons, trick elevators, deserted floors, passageways filled with smoke and dripping water” and “dark, dank, cavelike areas”. It had previously functioned as a psychiatric hospital, which was housed on the upper levels of the structure’s tower. The area has a history dating back to the American Civil War.
A photograph taken during the war is prominently featured in the series, as it shows individuals who still work as part of the staff. Although the series follows a specific mythology and continuity, each episode has its own self-contained story. It has not been released on home video or made available on streaming services. Critical response to All Souls was primarily positive; commentators praised its use of horror and paranormal elements. The series includes extreme closeups bizarre sexual transformations, including a woman dressed in 19th century fashion pushing a baby carriage through the halls. Dr. Mitchell Grace is haunted by visions of his father, and is somehow connected with the ghost Lazarus and Civil War doctors. He is one of the few people who is fully aware of the hospital’s supernatural occurrences. He collaborates with registered nurse Glory St. Claire, who has a long history with the facility and is characterized by her telepathic powers. He finds further support in the hospital from Dr. Dante Ambious, the chair of the facility’s board, who is shown to have made deals with the evil spirits during his time at the facility. He also works closely with several other doctors, including one who is the only one who can fully understand the supernatural occurrences inside the hospital.
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