Duke of Deception

The Duke of Deception is a fictional character appearing in DC Comics publications and related media. A demigod of deceit and manipulation, the Duke was originally presented as a treacherous operative of Wonder Woman’s nemesis MarsAres. The character appeared regularly in Wonder Woman, Comic Cavalcade and Sensation Comics stories throughout the 1940s and 1950s.

About Duke of Deception in brief

Summary Duke of DeceptionThe Duke of Deception is a fictional character appearing in DC Comics publications and related media. A demigod of deceit and manipulation, the Duke was originally presented as a treacherous operative of Wonder Woman’s nemesis MarsAres. Later comics appearances portray him as a more independent antagonist. The character appeared regularly in Wonder Woman, Comic Cavalcade and Sensation Comics stories throughout the 1940s and 1950s. After DC Comics rebooted its continuity in 1985, Wonder Woman and her supporting characters and many of her foes were re-imagined and reintroduced. In 2016, the character was re-introduced in DC’s successful The Legend ofWonder Woman, an ongoing series retelling the superhero’s origin. He appears to be a minor deity in the Greek pantheon, possibly Dolos, the god of trickery and lies. He is drafted by Mars to battle Wonder Woman. He uses his powers to spread falsehoods to provoke humanity into conflict and war. He sends his astral form to inspire military and government leaders with duplicitous thoughts that could lead to war.

His contributions to World War II include \”persuad… the Rising Sun to make peace talk at Washington while they struck with deadly venom at Pearl Harbor\” and \”show the addled Adolf Hitler how to cultivate Russia’s friendship until the hour arrived to attack\”. He was released when Wonder Woman foiled his plan to cause more war in Hawaii by disguising himself as General Hirohito to cause further war with the help of Etta Candy. He was imprisoned by Mars, then fleeing back to Mars in the form of a slave girl, causing Wonder Woman to speak to him and convince him to speak truthfully to the Italian Ambassador. He died in a battle with Steve Trevor, but Wonder Woman was able to rescue Steve and overcome Mars and his soldiers, and escape to Earth. The Duke of deception was the second of Mars’ lieutenants sent to capture Wonder Woman; he refused at first as he said his servants were writing propaganda for the Nazis.