List of Marvel Cinematic Universe television series

Marvel Cinematic Universe television series are American superhero television shows based on characters that appear in Marvel Comics. They are set in, or inspired by, the shared universe of the MCU film franchise. The MCU first expanded to television after the creation of Marvel Television in 2010. Marvel Studios began producing their own series in 2018 for the streaming service Disney+, the first of which is scheduled to premiere in January 2021.

About List of Marvel Cinematic Universe television series in brief

Summary List of Marvel Cinematic Universe television seriesThe Marvel Cinematic Universe television series are American superhero television shows based on characters that appear in Marvel Comics. They are set in, or inspired by, the shared universe of the MCU film franchise. The MCU first expanded to television after the creation of Marvel Television in 2010. Marvel Studios began producing their own series in 2018 for the streaming service Disney+, the first of which is scheduled to premiere in January 2021. At least eleven series and one special are in development from Marvel Studios. The first television series that Marvel Television developed to be part of the Marvel Universe was Agents of S. H. I. E. L. D. In January 2012, the series Agent Carter was ordered to pilot by ABC. That series was canceled in May 2016; it was announced in May 2013 that Agent Carter would be the first series to be produced by Marvel Television. The series was cancelled in May 2014; the pilot was ordered by ABC in August 2012; and it was revealed in May 2015 that the series would be canceled in January 2016. The final series was produced by ABC Signature Studios in October 2020. Marvel Television was shut down in December 2019, with several executives moving to Marvel Studios to oversee the completion of existing series.

Other staff were laid off, with producer Karim Zreik laying off, while Loeb was set to remain with the company until the handover was completed in June 2020. In August 2015, Marvel Studios was integrated into The Walt Disney Studios with President Kevin Feige reporting to Disney Studios chairman Alan Horn instead of Marvel Entertainment CEO Isaac Perlmutter. In September 2018, Marvel was developing several limited series for Disney’s new streaming serviceDisney+, to be centered on characters from the films. These are focused on supporting characters and have much larger budgets than Marvel Television series, and interconnect with the films in a way that the Marvel Televisionseries did not. The budgets for the Marvel Studios series are reportedly USD 100–150 million each. In December, Feige referred to the Marvel studios series as \”a new type of cinematic that we haven’t done before\”, and indicated that he considered them the first MCU stories on television by saying \”for the first time… theMCU will be on your TV screen at home on Disney+ and go back and forth\”.