The Godfather Part III is a 1990 American crime film produced and directed by Francis Ford Coppola from the screenplay co-written with Mario Puzo. The film stars Al Pacino, Diane Keaton, Talia Shire, and Andy García, Eli Wallach, Joe Mantegna, Bridget Fonda, George Hamilton. It is the third and final installment in The Godfather trilogy. It grossed USD 136. 8 million and was nominated for seven Academy Awards, including Best Picture.
About The Godfather Part III in brief
The Godfather Part III is a 1990 American crime film produced and directed by Francis Ford Coppola from the screenplay co-written with Mario Puzo. The film stars Al Pacino, Diane Keaton, Talia Shire, and Andy García, Eli Wallach, Joe Mantegna, Bridget Fonda, George Hamilton. It is the third and final installment in The Godfather trilogy. It grossed USD 136. 8 million and was nominated for seven Academy Awards, including Best Picture. In December 2020, a re-cut version of the film, titled MarioPuzo’s TheGodfather, Coda: The Death of Michael Corleone, was released to coincide with the 30th anniversary of the original version. The GodFather Part III received generally positive reviews, albeit not to the same extent as the earlier two films. Critics praised Pacino’s performance and the screenplay, but criticized the convoluted plot and SofiaCoppola’s performance. It was released in the United States on Christmas Day, December 25, 1990, and grossed $136.8 million. It has been described as the most successful film of the 1990s by The New York Review of Books and The Los Angeles Review of Film, among other publications. It also includes fictionalized accounts of two real-life events: the 1978 death of Pope John Paul I and the Papal banking scandal of 1981–82, both linked to Michael Corlleone’s business affairs. It concludes the story of Michael, the patriarch of the Corleones, who attempts to legitimize his criminal empire.
Michael and Kay are divorced; their children, Anthony and Mary, live with Kay. Michael knows that the head of the Vatican Bank, Archbishop Gilday, has accumulated a massive deficit and offers USD 600 million in exchange for shares in Internazionale Immobiliare, an international real estate company. He makes a tender offer to buy the Vatican’s 25% share in the company, which will give him controlling interest. Michael’s sister Connie arranges for Vincent to settle a dispute with his rival Joey Zasa, but Zasa calls Vincent a bastard, and Vincent bites Zasa’s ear. The family goes to Sicily for Anthony’s operatic debut at the Teatro Massimo in Palermo. Michael, Vincent, and Michael’s bodyguard, Al Neri, escape. Michael recuperates, and suffers a stroke, while Vincent and Mary begin a romance. Vincent kills Zasa for berating Michael for his actions and insists that Vincent’s involvement in the family’s criminal enterprises endangers his relationship with Mary. Michael tells Vincent to pretend to defect from the family in order to spy on Cardinal Lamberto Lucchesi, the anticipated chairman of the Licio Licio Ambrogio. Vincent tells Michael that he is leaving law school to become an opera singer, but Michael wants Anthony to complete his law degree first. Michael pays them from the sale of his Las Vegas holdings. Michael agrees to let Anthony go his own way.
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