Silver Spoons

Silver Spoons is an American sitcom television series that aired on NBC from September 25, 1982, to May 11, 1986. Silver Spoons was created by Martin Cohan, Howard Leeds and Ben Starr. The brick Tudor period mansion shown in the opening credits is actually a private residence located in Warwickshire, England.

About Silver Spoons in brief

Summary Silver SpoonsSilver Spoons is an American sitcom television series that aired on NBC from September 25, 1982, to May 11, 1986. The series was produced by Embassy Television for the first four seasons, until Embassy Communications moved the series to syndication after being cancelled by NBC. Silver Spoons was created by Martin Cohan, Howard Leeds and Ben Starr. The brick Tudor period mansion shown in the opening credits is actually a private residence located in Warwickshire, England. The show’s theme song titled \”Together\” was written by Rik Howard and Bob Wirth.

The original version was accompanied mostly by guitar with vocals by Ron Dante. A synthesized version was used in 1985 with a different vocalist. The third version of the theme, a rock version, was introduced in January 1986 and began in use during the second half of season 4 with vocals again byRon Dante and composed by Ray Colcord. It was also used in the 1977 Disney film  Before Silver Spoon, starring Helen Hayes, Jodie Foster and David Niven.