Onward (film)

Onward is a 2020 American computer-animated urban fantasy-adventure film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures. The film follows two elf brothers who set out on a quest to find an artifact that will temporarily bring back their dead father. It premiered at the 70th Berlin International Film Festival on February 21, 2020 and was theatrically released on March 6, 2020. Onward received generally positive reviews from critics, but grossed USD 147 million worldwide against a USD 175-200 million budget.

About Onward (film) in brief

Summary Onward (film)Onward is a 2020 American computer-animated urban fantasy-adventure film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures. The film follows two elf brothers who set out on a quest to find an artifact that will temporarily bring back their dead father. It premiered at the 70th Berlin International Film Festival on February 21, 2020 and was theatrically released on March 6, 2020. Onward received generally positive reviews from critics, but grossed USD 147 million worldwide against a USD 175-200 million budget. It is Pixar’s second box-office bomb after The Good Dinosaur. The film’s financial shortcomings have been a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, which led to widespread closure of movie theaters, thus making it Pixar’sSecond Box-office Bomb after The Good Dinosaur The film is directed by Dan Scanlon, produced by Kori Rae and written by Scanlon,. Jason Headley, and Keith Bunin, and stars the voices of Tom Holland, Chris Pratt, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, and Octavia Spencer. In a world inhabited by mythic creatures, magic was commonplace several millennia ago, though difficult to master. After technological advances over the centuries, magic became obsolete and was largely discarded. In the modern day, Ian and Barley Lightfoot, live in the city of New Mushroomton. Their father Wilden died of a severe illness shortly before Ian was born, and their mother Laurel has a new boyfriend, centaur police officer Colt Bronco. Ian accidentally succeeds in casting the spell, but only the lower half of Wilden’s body is reformed before the gem disintegrates.

Ian sends Barley ahead to give his proper goodbye to Wilden. The brothers embark on a quests to acquire another gem and complete the spell. Ian realizes that Barley has been a father figure throughout his entire life, and returns to make the gem needed to amends with the gem inside the fountain across from high school. Barley discovers a historic fountain across the street and retrieves it, triggering a curse that creates a dragon-shaped golem. Corey warns Ian that the brothers’ journey may awaken a curse, which can only be defeated by her sword, which she and Laurel steal from a pawn shop. Ian decides to give the sword to Corey, who flies into the sword’s heart, buying Ian’s time to cast the visitation spell and fully reform his father. Ian finally gives his father a proper goodbye and holds off the dragon for a few hours to give Barley a chance to say his goodbyes to him. The gem is returned to Barley, who takes it back to Laurel, who leaves to look for Ian’s beloved van Guinevere. Ian then decides to take the gem to the Manticore’s Tavern, named for a monster possessing a map to the gem. The tavern has become a family restaurant managed by the Mantineore. While arguing with Ian over the map, Corey realizes how boring her life has become and drives the customers away in a fit of insanity, accidentally setting fire to the restaurant and the map.