My Brother, My Brother and Me is a weekly comedy advice podcast hosted by brothers Justin, Travis, and Griffin McElroy. The show was independently produced and released by the brothers from April 2010 until joining the Maximum Fun network in January 2011. A TV series based on the podcast premiered on Seeso in February 2017 and is currently hosted on VRV.
About My Brother, My Brother and Me in brief
My Brother, My Brother and Me is a weekly comedy advice podcast hosted by brothers Justin, Travis, and Griffin McElroy. The show was independently produced and released by the brothers from April 2010 until joining the Maximum Fun network in January 2011. In 2010, the show was consistently listed among the top 10 comedy podcasts on iTunes. A TV series based on the podcast premiered on Seeso in February 2017 and is currently hosted on VRV. Each week the brothers alternate between answering questions that have been directly submitted by listeners and questions that listeners have found on Yahoo! Answers.
A special episode called \”The Adventure Zone\” was released on August 18, 2014, shortly after Justin and his wife Sydnee had a baby. It featured the brothers playing a game of Dungeons & Dragons with their father, Clint McElory. The Adventure Zone was later spun off into its own podcast on the maximum Fun network. Notable past guests include: The McElroys attempt to help a teacher better determine how to maintain her students’ interests in class, the Mc elroy’s teenage sister Rileigh and her classmates.
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