Solar eclipse

Solar eclipse

Total solar eclipses are rare at any particular location because totality exists only along a narrow path on the Earth’s surface. Since looking directly at the Sun can lead to permanent eye damage or blindness, special eye protection or indirect viewing techniques are used when viewing a solar eclipse. The total eclipse at 2023 is over 20 minutes in duration at various points on April 20, 2023’s totality at 20:23, 20:24 and 20:29.

About Solar eclipse in brief

Summary Solar eclipseA solar eclipse occurs when a portion of the Earth is engulfed in a shadow cast by the Moon which fully or partially blocks sunlight. This occurs when the Sun, Moon and Earth are aligned. Such alignment coincides with a new moon indicating the Moon is closest to the ecliptic plane. Total solar eclipses are rare at any particular location because totality exists only along a narrow path on the Earth’s surface. Since looking directly at the Sun can lead to permanent eye damage or blindness, special eye protection or indirect viewing techniques are used when viewing a solar eclipse. It is safe to view only the total phase of a total solar eclipse with the unaided eye and without protection. The extreme fading of the solar brightness by a factor of over 100 times in the last minute before totality makes it obvious when totality has begun. People referred to as eclipse chasers or umbraphiles will travel even to remote locations to observe or witness predicted central solarclipses. There are four types of solar eclipse: total, partial, annular and hybrid. The Moon’s orbit around Earth is slightly elliptical, as is the Earth’s orbit around the Sun. The apparent sizes of the Sun and Moon therefore vary. The magnitude of an eclipse is the ratio of the apparent size of the Moon to the apparentSize of the sun during an eclipse. The Sun’s distance from Earth is about 400 times the Moon’s distance. Because these ratios are approximately the same, the sun and the Moon as seen from Earth appear to be about the same size: about 0.

5 degree of arc in angular measure. A total eclipse has a magnitude greater than or equal to 1,000; an annular eclipse is less than 1. A hybrid eclipse is when the magnitude of the eclipse changes during the event from less to more than one. The total eclipse at 2023 is over 20 minutes in duration at various points on April 20, 2023’s totality at 20:23, 20:24 and 20:29. The umbra is the shadow cast on the surface of the earth by the moon. The path of totality is extremely narrow and relatively short in their path at any point on any point with various points compared to any other point in the year. It can only be seen at locations further away from the Earth than the midpoint at the beginning and end, since the sides of Earth are slightly nearer to the mid point. The moon’s orbit is tilted at more than 5 degrees to Earth’s orbit. A separate category of solar eclipsed is that of theSun being occluded by a body other than theEarth’s Moon, as can be observed at points in space away from Earth’ssurface. This can be seen by the crew of Apollo 12 observed the Earth eclipse the Sun in 1969 and when the Cassini probe observed Saturn eclipsing the Sun in 2006. The eclipse has an estimated magnitude of 1.5 to 1.7. The sun and Moon are about 400times larger than the Earth.