

Godmothered is a 2020 American fantasy comedy film directed by Sharon Maguire and written by Kari Granlund and Melissa Stack. The film stars Jillian Bell in the lead role, alongside Isla Fisher. It is expected to be released by Disney+ in the U.S. on December 14, 2020.

About Godmothered in brief

Summary GodmotheredGodmothered is a 2020 American fantasy comedy film directed by Sharon Maguire and written by Kari Granlund and Melissa Stack from a story by Granlund. The film stars Jillian Bell in the lead role, alongside Isla Fisher. Produced by Walt Disney Pictures and Secret Machine Entertainment, the film debuted on Disney+ on December 4, 2020. The soundtrack for the film was composed and produced by Rachel Portman, who will also perform and produce the score for the movie.

Godmothered holds an aggregator rating of 64% based on reviews from Rotten Tomatoes, based on the reviews of the film’s cast and crew. It is expected to be released by Disney+ in the U.S. on December 14, 2020, and on December 25, 2020 in the rest of the world. It will be an exclusive release for the company’s streaming service, Disney+. The film will also be released in the UK on December 26, 2020 and in Australia on December 27, 20, 20 and 30, 20.